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Prenuptial Agreements
Prenuptial agreements are used for several reasons, and their primary purpose is to establish specific rules and conditions regarding the property and assets of each spouse in the event of divorce, separation, or death.
" Protect your financial future with confidence."
"At, we understand that love is a commitment, but we also know that planning is essential to ensuring a solid financial future ."

Our prenuptial agreement advisory service is designed to help you make informed decisions and protect your assets in the event of a future event that affects your relationship.

child custody
Child custody refers to the rights and responsibilities of parents to care for children. There are two types:
Legal custody:who makes important decisions for your children (such as health care, education, welfare).
Physical Custody:with whom do your children live most of the time.
Legal and physical custody may be shared (joint) or
only with one parent (exclusive)
Joint Legal Custody:both parents share the rights and responsibilities to make important decisions about the children.
Sole Legal Custody:only one parent has this right and responsibility.

School or nursery
Religious activities
Psychiatric, psychological or mental health counseling or therapy needs
Doctor, dentist, orthodontist or other health professional (except in emergency situations)
Sports, summer camp, vacations or extracurricular activities