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Child Support
Child support is the amount of money a court orders one or both parents to pay each month to help support their child (or children) and their living expenses.
Each parent is equally responsible for meeting the financial needs of their child. But the court cannot enforce this obligation unless it makes a support order. When parents separate, one parent must ask the court to make an order to establish paternity and also have to ask the court to make a child support order.

Child support payments generally continue to be made until the child reaches age 18 (or 19 if the child is still in high school full-time, lives in one parent's home, and cannot support himself). themselves).
Each parent can ask the judge to make a child support order as part of one of the following types of cases:
Divorce, legal separation or annulment(for parents who are married or in a registered domestic partnership);
A Petition to establish relationship of affiliation(paternity) (for parents who are not married to each other);
A domestic violence restraining order(for parents married or not to each other);
A Petition for Custody and Support of Minor Children(for parents who have signed a declaration of parentage or voluntary paternity OR are married or in a registered domestic partnership, and do not want to be legally separated or divorced).

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