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Small claims
Small claims court allows you to sue a person, business, or government agency that you think owes you money. Generally, you can only sue for up to $10,000 in small claims court (or up to $5,000 if you are a business).
Small claims cases are a cheaper and faster process
The costs
The filing fee for a small claims case is between $30 and $100. If you cannot pay the fee, you can apply to the court for a fee waiver.

How long does it take to go to court?
Once you file the papers to start a case, you will usually have a hearing (trial) date in about 1 to 2 months.
There are some limits in small claims court
You cannot have a lawyer represent you.
You are the one who has to collect the money if you win your case. The court will not do it for you.
If you started the case, you cannot appeal if you lose the case. The judge's decision is final. You can appeal if you are sued or if the other party sues you again and you lose.
If the small claims court limits don't work for you, you may want to consider opening a case in civil court. However, that process is much more difficult and expensive, especially if you decide to file the lawsuit on your own without a lawyer.
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